Cherry Blossom Trees Literary Writings and Artworks
San Diego Book & Writing Awards, Finalist
A 200 page multi-genre book reflecting a remarkable serendipitous journey through both Christine’s original 68 bold, colorful contemporary artworks as well as her original 100 interactive and visually inspiring prose-style literary writings. The reader is invited to experience and reflect on their own interpretation of the themes of nature, people, places, commentaries and ideas reflecting cultural diversities. This unique book is an extraordinary creative journey that will inspire, entertain, and possibly challenge our way of thinking and observations of life and events.
Ideas –
a scattering of stars in the universe
Sometimes organized like the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper
With thoughts somewhere in between
What People are Saying...
Christine Renhard Stenstrom’s work as a painter and writer vividly reminds us that just as painting can speak, writing can picture, help us to see, to enjoy, and to determine for ourselves beauties seen and unseen all around us. The intersections of different art forms themselves are points at which understanding and feeling intensify and achieve clarity.
Richard J. Dunn
Professor Emeritus of English
University of Washington